Heroes of the Storm Ranked Will They Reset Again

The following is a list of all the Heroes of the Storm terminology.


  • i AFK
  • 2 Aggro
  • 3 ARAM
  • iv Area Denial
  • 5 Area of Effect
  • 6 Bait
  • vii Bodyblocking
  • 8 Bot
  • 9 Buff
  • ten Bush
  • 11 Bullying
  • 12 Burst damage
  • 13 Acquit
  • 14 Chase
  • 15 Choke Point
  • sixteen Clamping
  • 17 Combo
  • eighteen Commit
  • 19 Counter pick
  • twenty Pitter-patter
  • 21 Dive
  • 22 Duelist
  • 23 Face-check
  • 24 Feeding
  • 25 Flank
  • 26 Focus
  • 27 Focus fire
  • 28 Gank
  • 29 Gap closer
  • thirty Global
  • 31 Grand Primary
  • 32 Hybrid
  • 33 Initiator
  • 34 Jungle
  • 35 Kiting
  • 36 Macro
  • 37 Mage
    • 37.ane Mage heroes
  • 38 Micro
  • 39 MOBA
  • 40 Mobility
  • 41 Mobility Creep
  • 42 Nerf
  • 43 Overextending
  • 44 Pare
  • 45 Placement Matches
  • 46 Poke
  • 47 Power Spike
  • 48 PvE
  • 49 Roaming
  • l Scouting
  • 51 Season
  • 52 Self-sustain
  • 53 Sieging
  • 54 Siege Damage
  • 55 Skillshot Ability
  • 56 Dissever-Pushing
  • 57 Squishy
  • 58 Stomp
  • 59 Stutter Stepping
    • 59.1 Videos
  • lx Summoner
    • 60.1 Summoner heroes
  • 61 Sustain
  • 62 Teamwipe
  • 63 Trading
  • 64 Waveclear
  • 65 Wipe
  • 66 Zoning
  • 67 References

AFK [ ]

AFK (Away From Keyboard) is a term used while you lot have to end playing for a moment. It also has a derogatory significant when one of the players simply stops playing.

If a player does not upshot a game command for a some fourth dimension during a match, that player will receive an inactivity alarm via chat. If a player does not upshot a game command after receiving a warning, that thespian will be dropped from the game. As with leaving or disconnecting from a game earlier it is finished, the A.I. volition take over the dropped player'south hero until that player rejoins the game. Additionally, that player volition earn no feel points, quest credit, or rewards if they practice not rejoin the game before it concludes.

Aggro [ ]

The targeting priority (or enmity) of an A.I. controlled minion, monster, merc, etc.

Minions and mercenaries on the lane set on y'all on sight. The related usages here are "aggro range" or "aggro radius" which is the distance at which the mob volition attack. Nigh monsters and mercs in their camps even so, volition just attack after taking damage.

ARAM [ ]

Main commodity: ARAM

ARAM is an acronym for "All Random All Mid". It is a game mode in Heroes of the Storm.

Expanse Deprival [ ]

Meet Zoning.

Area of Result [ ]

Area of Effect (short: AoE) abilities do damage in an area as opposed to just on one target. A target is hit by an AoE if the ability hits the circle beneath its model chosen Hitbox.

Bait [ ]

To Bait is to feign weakness in order to lure the enemy into a trap.

Bodyblocking [ ]

Bodyblocking is a technique for impeding an enemy's advance by positioning your controlled unit(s) on their path and forcing them to walk around you. The technique exploits the fact that ii given entities can non simultaneously occupy the same physical space, and is generally performed by moving in a zigzag pattern while actively trying to stand in the fashion of one's intended target. Body blocking tin be used to prevent the enemy from fleeing past positioning on their fastest route to safety or to peel for your allies by placing yourself between them and the enemy. Its offensive and defensive uses make it an important skill especially for tank and melee assassin players.

Bot [ ]

  • Bot is used to refer to the bottom-near lane on the battleground.
  • Bot is likewise occasionally a term for AI heroes.

Buff [ ]

In terms of gameplay Buff means a positive status consequence and the act of applying one on a Hero. Buffs ordinarily make the hero deal more than impairment or take less impairment through various means. The reverse of 'buff' - a negative status upshot that weakens a hero - is called 'debuff'.

Buff tin can likewise mean developers changing a Hero'southward Statistics or the function of their abilities and talents in order to brand them stronger in terms of overall game remainder. The opposite of 'buff' in this case is called 'nerf'.

Bush [ ]

Bushes are walkable areas on the map, usually indicated with long grass or steam, which prevent you from seeing within them, unless you enter their area. Units inside bushes tin, however, see exterior of it, making them good spots for ganks. For this reason, it is recommended to use your abilities to scout bushes or at the very least let your sturdier Heroes to enter them first to minimise casualities.

Bullying [ ]

Bullying means harassing an opposing Hero in a laning context. The term is usually employed when it is hard for the bullied Hero to efficiently retaliate. The main goal of bullying is to force an opponent away from their lane so that they miss out on Feel, are unable to protect Structures, or can not regenerate their Health or Mana in a timely manner earlier fighting over a Map Objective. Zagara is often said to be a good Lane Bully.

Burst impairment [ ]

Outburst damage (too chosen Nuke) is a massive amount of damage in a short of time, used to impale someone outright. Chromie is an example of a hero with a high burst harm.

Carry [ ]

A carry is a term describing a Hero or player that largely influences the outcome of the game by either dealing high amounts of damage or by providing decisive utility in grade of crowd control or peeling. In its near primitive definition, a carry is a histrion that contributes majorly to the win of the game for your entire squad, and is as such mainly used to describe a Hero with immense damage, as oversupply control and peeling are valued only by the more experienced players.

Chase [ ]

To pursue an enemy Hero every bit they're running away.

Asphyxiate Point [ ]

A Choke Indicate is a narrow passage which makes freely moving difficult for groups of Heroes. They generally strength teams to adopt suboptimal formations, making them ideal ambush locations.

Clamping [ ]

Clamping is a property of Point targeted Abilities that causes the Power to be bandage at its maximum range when the Ability is targeted beyond its maximum range. If the Ability does not have Clamping, the Hero will beginning move into a position, where the Ability can exist bandage on a targeted point, before casting it. If Clamping would cause the Ability to be cast on an invalid location, eastward.g. Tyrael'south El'Druin'due south Might cannot be cast on unpathable terrain, it will not be bandage.

Combo [ ]

A Combo (or Power Chain) is consciously using two or more than Abilities in quick succession, often in a synergistic mode.

Commit [ ]

To Commit is to non retreat. To stay in a fight until the battle is over, or until your Hero is slain.

Counter pick [ ]

To choose a particular Hero, that has a strong advantage over an enemy Hero, during the Draft stage.

Creep [ ]

  • Pitter-patter is a term ofttimes used for Minions and sometimes Monsters and Mercenaries.
  • Tin also refer to Zagara'due south majestic goo created from her trait "Creep Tumor".

Dive [ ]

A Swoop or Diving is to pursue a specific target (often a squishy Support or Assassinator) into a highly dangerous surface area, typically backside the enemies Tanks or even Forts. It is a loftier adventure, high reward maneuver.

Illidan and Genji are considered as skillful Divers.

Duelist [ ]

A Hero who excels at combating enemy Heroes one on one (east.g. Artanis).

Face up-check [ ]

Low level strategy, which involves walking caput first into a bush, unremarkably to be welcomed by a gank of five enemy Heroes. Very common cause of feeding.

Feeding [ ]

Feeding is dying repeatedly to the other squad, thereby assisting them. A player who does this is a feeder.

Feeders do non necessarily assist the enemy team intentionally. Players who are new to the game and thereby lack feel tend to die more than often and more easily to skilled players. Feeding is likewise a savage circle. Every time a feeder dies, the enemy team gets stronger and is thereby even harder to defeat next time.

Also non-intentional feeders, there are besides Griefers. Griefers are intentional feeders who dice on purpose in social club to actively feed the enemy team. They either do it in social club to speed upwards the game'southward process if they exercise non meet any risk to win anymore, or simply to ruin other player'southward games. Griefers usually pb their team to defeat, as the enemy team will be given a hefty advantage, and this beliefs is reportable.

Flank [ ]

To Flank (or Flanking) is to try to featherbed the enemy frontline and get directly to the enemy backline by going from an alternative road, mainly from backside. This strategy is useful for assassins, bruisers and defined, because they don't have plenty tankyness to survive a barrage of CCs and direct harm, thus, trying to become past the frontline can mean death for them.

Dehaka and Zeratul are bully heroes to use to explicate flanking. Both heroes don't want to run directly towards their opponent; their goal is to use bushes and corners to go equally close every bit possible to them without being seen. The moment they engage, their team will also engage. However, if your opponent reacts correctly or has a difficult disengage hero, flanking can become a problem for your team. A Tassadar with Force Wall or Falstad with Mighty Gust can separate your teammates from each other. Your opponent can then use this to his reward and turn the fight in their favor.[i]

Focus [ ]

Focus (or Targeting) involves choosing the right target for your abilities. This means effectively healing/damaging and protecting targets that will about likely result in a won teamfight. You lot can usually work out who you should exist focusing earlier the fight begins, but y'all should react to how the game is going.

Focus fire [ ]

Focus fire is concentrating the damage output of several Heroes upon a determinate target in order to rapidly destroy it.

Gank [ ]

Ganking is moving around the battlefield with the specific intent of taking down i or more than opposing Heroes. Generally seeks to exploit a numeric advantage or an element of surprise. If someone calls out for a Gank, it means they desire someone to come in behind their enemies and kill them. Ganking, is a twist on the idea of Flanking. Having a third person come in from backside their enemies volition trap them in a pincer maneuver hopefully allowing you to kill them quickly. Heroes with Crowd control, burst, Stealth, or mobility are often expert Gankers.

Gap closer [ ]

An ability or spell that shortens the distance between the Hero and the enemy.

Global [ ]

An ability that can be bandage anywhere or near anywhere on the map, oft allowing Heroes rapidly travel long distance.

Grand Master [ ]

Grand Masters are the highest scoring players of Storm League in their region. Grand Masters' portrait border and bluecoat display the player's position in the leaderboards, updating daily to reflect the top 100 Primary players, who have completed the Seasonal Questline. If you run into a player who is ranked #i in the Grand Principal tier, that is the best player in your region, so yous better footstep up your game!

Hybrid [ ]

A Hybrid is an unofficial dual role and a middle ground for classes. Instead of committing into a pure 1 sided build, a hero can instead be a combination of two such as an assassin/warrior (also called Bruiser), an assassin/healer or an tank/healer. Tyrande can build into a support who secures kills, Tyrael tin can be secondary support tank and Kharazim go into a Hybrid DPS and Support Build.

Initiator [ ]

An initiator is a hero y'all want to utilise to begin team fights, usually due to a high health pool or CC abilities. Not having an initiator can arrive hard to set up kills and punish enemies for their mistakes.

Jungle [ ]

The Jungle refers to the expanse of the map that surrounds the lanes. There are usually lot of bushes and the pathways are curving and seldom straigh, lowering the visibility. If someone says they are going Jungling or Roaming, it ways they programme to kill the Heroes or Mercs in the jungle. Zeratul, Nova, Samuro and Valeera are heroes often roaming between lanes.

1 large difference in Heroes of the Storm to other MOBAs is that information technology doesn't have a dedicated Jungle in the sense that yous accept ane hero dedicated to being in information technology all of the time, and so ganking lanes in between Jungle routes. Instead, Heroes of the Storm has some battlegrounds where you'll want to spend some time in the Jungle, but once y'all defeat a mercenary military camp you tin can really capture it, sending that camp to push button a nearby lane. Some maps take a more dedicated Jungler depending on how many of these camps at that place are.[2]

Kiting [ ]

Kiting means retreating from pursuing enemy Heros while attacking in such a way that they are unable to effectively retaliate. Generally performed past ranged Heroes, peculiarly those with admission to movement reduction effects, against melee Heroes.

Macro [ ]

Macro (short for "macromanagement") refers your ability to dispense the battleground in your favour. This tin hateful, for example, timing Mercenary captures or manipulating Minion waves in such way that they continue to push Structures, during another indicate of interest, like Objectives. Heroes that rely on good macromanagement include Abathur, Azmodan and the Lost Vikings. Micro (or "micro-management") refers your skill or capacity to control your Hero well on a small-scale-scale level.

Successfully macromanaging means:

  • Correctly timed mercenaries
  • Soaking all lanes
  • Edifice upwards map pressure

Mage [ ]

A mage is a ranged hero whose damage depends almost exclusively upon abilities. Their auto-assail is commonly weak and they tend to be very dependent on mana. They oft bargain big amounts of AoE damage.

Mage heroes [ ]

Micro [ ]

Micro (curt for "micromanagement") refers to the level of granular and specific control a user has over their Hero and other units in their control. Macro (or "macro-management") refers to a more global aspect of the game.

Successfully micromanaging means:

  • Positioning
  • Cooldown and Mana managment
  • Stutter-Stepping
  • Torso-Blocking
  • Focus

MOBA [ ]

MOBA (Multiplayer Online Boxing Arena) - Multiplayer online boxing loonshit (MOBA) is a game genre that included League of Legends, Dota and arguably Heroes of the Storm (genre of which is officially called a hero brawler [three]). Information technology'due south also known equally 'action real-fourth dimension strategy.' Different traditional RTS games, MOBAs don't include unit construction and yous control a single graphic symbol at once.

Mobility [ ]

Mobile Heroes (or Heroes with mobility) are able to reposition themself to a different location faster than other Heroes. Some Heroes (like Lúcio) tin can increase their Movement Speed, others like Genji tin use movement abilities, such as dashes and teleports, to quickly motility to a different location.

Some Heroes are called High-Mobility Heroes due to having multiple abilitites that grant mobility and are able to reposition themselves very rapidly and often.

Mobility Creep [ ]

The term Mobility Pitter-patter is used to depict the process in which newer Heroes beingness given more and more mobility.

Nerf [ ]

In Heroes of the Tempest, a nerf is a alter to a Hero that reduces the power of his damage, his abilities, his health or other Statistics in order to maintain game remainder. The term is as well used equally a verb for the human activity of making such a modify. The opposite of nerf is buff (in one of that term'south ii usages).

Overextending [ ]

Overextending is a highly detrimental behaviour, where a given Histrion is positioned out of the constructive support range of other teammates, making them like shooting fish in a barrel to take downwards by the enemy. It is often exhibited by new players, equally they are often way too aggressive when information technology comes to engaging enemy players. Going too far into enemy territory to chase down weak opponents, recklessly diving into the eye of groups or not waiting for your squad to arrive are examples of overextending mistakes, and each tin can result in quick deaths and even quicker losses.

Peel [ ]

To Peel or peeling is shorthand for "protect your allies" and means to go along an enemy off of your allies. When the enemy team dives into yours to try killing your Support, peeling would mean using some grade of CC, like Stuns or Slows, or body blocking to force the enemy away from the ally.

Placement Matches [ ]

Placement matches are a formality to display your rank when you first starting time Ranked Play and at the showtime of each new flavour. Placement matches used to have much more distinct functionality, but at the moment they are non any different from regular matches, except that your rank is momentarily hidden.

Note that players in placement matches can only queue together with other party members, who are also in their placement matches.

Poke [ ]

To Poke (or Poking) is using a long ranged ability to practice damage to an enemy. Mostly happens before a team fight, you can often encounter Heroes with long ranged abilities poking the enemy, like Chromie or Li Ming.

Power Spike [ ]

Ability Spike refers to talents, talent tiers or quests that significantly boost a Hero'due south power level. Almost all Heroes receive a significant power spike at level x, equally they unlock their Heroic Abilites.

As you proceeds familiarity with the Heroes, you'll larn the differences in when these spikes occur. For example, Nazeebo receives a fasten at level xx (Vile Infection), whereas Ragnaros gets a fasten at level 16 (Giant Scorcher). Kel'Thuzad, on the other mitt, becomes much more threatening after completing his baseline quest "Master of the Cold Night".

Learning when each of the characters encounter their spikes, will in turn help you gain confidence in making the most appropriate decision depending on how the battle is unfolding.

PvE [ ]

Player versus surround, or PvE, is a term used to refer to fighting computer-controlled enemies — in contrast to PvP (player versus player).

Escape From Braxis is the first Heroes of the Tempest PvE Brawl without any PvP content.

Roaming [ ]

Roaming is continually traveling between lanes in club to catch players that are isolated, depression on resources, or otherwise positioned in such a way that they are easy to take downward. Zeratul, Nova, Samuro and Valeera are heroes oft roaming between lanes.

Scouting [ ]

Using your abilities or Hero to gain information on enemy whereabouts and movements or to secure an area, like a bush.

Season [ ]

Season is on average a three calendar month long catamenia, during which players compete for celebrity and rewards in Ranked Play.

At the start of a flavour, players are faced with a formality of completing three Placement Matches to display their Rank. Players will and so have a Seasonal Questline to complete, which requires winning certain amount of matches in Tempest League to gain cease of season rewards. The rewards include Boodle Chests, a unique seasonal Mountain and a seasonal Rank Portrait based on the highest league achieved that season. Completing the Seasonal Questline is also a requirement from being eligible for Grand Master leaderboards.

Afterward the season finishes, leaderboards are reset and players will continue to the Placement Matches from their current Rank at the cease of the season.

Self-sustain [ ]

Cocky-sustain is a given Hero'south aptitude to reliably refill their ain Health pool over a curt period of fourth dimension.

Sieging [ ]

Focusing on damaging structures from rubber distance as a squad without commiting to a fight with defending Heroes. Usually done accompanied by Mercenaries, Boss or allied Map objective, like Webweavers.

Siege Impairment [ ]

Siege damage is all Damage washed by a Hero to enemy minions, structures and captured mercenaries.

Skillshot Power [ ]

Dehaka landing a Skillshot Ability

A Skillshot Ability is a Indicate targeted ability that fires a projectile from the Hero casting the ability towards a chosen point. A unit is hit by the Ability if their Hitboxes collide. Skillhots normally merely hit the first enemy they come up in contact with. Skillshots cannot be cocky-casted, with the exception of Johanna'south heroic ability, "Blessed Shield". Due to their projectile-like nature, skillshots are susceptible to miss moving targets.

Split-Pushing [ ]

Split-Pushing involves a single Hero in a pushing on at to the lowest degree one lane while the remainder of their squad is battling an Objective or otherwise distracting the opposition. The goal of split pushing is generally to simultaneously threaten ii strategic points at one time, forcing opponents to make brash decisions. Summoners and Heroes with global Abilities, like Zagara or Abathur, are oft good Split-Pusher.

Squishy [ ]

Squishy refers to Heroes that have relatively low Wellness pool and little damage mitigation options. These Heroes often rely on long range or mobility to keep them safe, and tin can exist taken out quickly once they lose these advantages.

Stomp [ ]

Stomp or Stomping is the human activity of destroying/owning another Hero or Team.

A pubstomper refers to a Hero that is quite good against uncoordinated, less skilled players (ie: in Quick Match), but a even halfway decently organized/smart group will shut them down. The Butcher is often called a Pubstomper.

Stutter Stepping [ ]

Stutter-stepping (likewise known as "orb walking") is a technique that involves rapidly moving during the short time window between consecutive Basic Attacks. Typically done to maximise Bones Assault and motion uptime past eliminating inactivity. This too makes enemy skillshots harder to country and can even misfile your enemy. Stutter-stepping is an of import (often overlooked) factor in all MOBA games and Heroes of the Storm is no exception.

Videos [ ]

Summoner [ ]

A Summoner is a Hero whose harm and battlefield presence depends largely on their summons. Summons are useful for dealing damage from a safer distance, blocking skillshots, scouting and tanking Minion, Mercenary and Structure attacks.

Summoner heroes [ ]

Sustain [ ]

Sustain is a heroes power to heal themselves without relying on Regeneration Globes, healers, the Hall of Storms, or a Healing Fountain. Having a good sustain allows y'all to stay in a lane for a long time. Thrall, Dehaka and Raynor accept good sustain.

Teamwipe [ ]

Run into Wipe.

Trading [ ]

Trading is a broad concept involving the forceful exchange of one thing for another. Ii Heroes damaging eachother, ii team destroying eachother's Structures, or Heroic Abilities being used past both sides are all examples of trades.

Waveclear [ ]

Waveclear is a given Hero's aptitude to efficiently destroy a big number of Minions in lane. Heroes with good Waveclear are for example Jaina, Murky, Xul and Kael'thas.

Unaccompanied Minions can rapidly overwhelm Structures, and Heroes with potent button potential can further put pressure to the enemy team. Teams that lack proper wave articulate, or ignore the threat that Minions nowadays, may quickly find themselves overwhelmed during late game.

Wipe [ ]

Taking out the whole team in a fight.

Zoning [ ]

Zoning or Area Denial means preventing an opposing Hero from performing certain activities in a given expanse through highly aggresive behaviour.

References [ ]

  1. Tempo Storm: Dorsum to the Nuts: Engage
  2. [i]Adam Jackson on Reddit: Lol player considering hots.
  3. Blizzard explains why it doesn't call Heroes of the Storm a MOBA


Source: https://heroesofthestorm.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_terminology

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