Borderlands 3 Cathedral of the Twin Gods Crimson Radio
The Children of the Vault, the villains of Borderlands 3, are using Broadcast Towers to spread their propaganda. Mad Moxxi has a plan though - sabotage the tower and use them to play Crimson Radio.
Get your climbing skills ready, because these Broadcast Towers are hidden across the planets of the Borderlands galaxy, including Athenas, Promethea and good old Pandora.
For every Broadcast Tower you sabotage, you'll receive some XP, cash and, best of all, Eridium.
On this page:
- Ascension Bluff Broadcast location in Borderlands 3
- Devil's Razor Broadcast Tower locations in Borderlands 3
- The Splinterlands Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
- Carnivora Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
- Konrad's Hold Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
- Cathedral of the Twin Gods Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
- Meridian Outskirts Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
- Meridian Metroplex Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
- Atlas HQ Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
- Lectra City Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
- Athenas Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
- Floodmoor Basin Broadcast Tower locations in Borderlands 3
- The Anvil Broadcast Tower locations in Borderlands 3
- Jakobs Estate Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
- Ambermire Broadcast Tower locations in Borderlands 3
- Desolation's Edge Broadcast Tower locations in Borderlands 3
- Tazendeer Ruins Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
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If you're looking for more help in the crazy galaxy of Borderlands 3, then check out our Borderlands 3 walkthrough.
If you're looking for more challenges to complete, check out our guides on Dead Claptrap locations explained, Hijack Target locations explained, Legendary Hunt locations explained - how to find Hammerlock's hunts and Typhon Log locations and Typhon Dead Drop locations explained.
Ascension Bluff Broadcast location in Borderlands 3
The first Broadcast Tower you will encounter is in Ascension Bluff.

To reach it head east from the Ascension Bluff Fast Travel station, until you reach a small bandit outpost.

Keep your ears open - you'll know when you're getting close to the Broadcast tower, because you'll be able to hear the speakers playing.
Head into the outpost and kill the bandits inside.
Next you'll need to climb up the tower. You can start by climbing up onto the small hut at the back of the outpost.

From there you can climb up the broken down car to reach the upper level of the outpost.

Climb up onto the container with the satellite dish placed on top of it and change the radio channel.

Sabotaging the Ascension Bluff Broadcast Tower will reward you with:
- 391 XP
- $39
- 10 Eriduim
Meridian Outskirts Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
The next Broadcast Tower you need to sabotage is in the Meridian Outskirts of Promethea.
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It can be found south the most northerly entrance to the Meridian Metroplex. You'll know you're close, because you'll be able to hear the COV propaganda.
What you're looking for is a collection of containers stacked on top of one another in the middle of the dried up riverbed.

You also easily reach it by fast travelling to the Meridian Outskirts Fast Travel Station and then travelling east through the outskirts as if you're heading the Meridian Metroplex.
Once you've found the Broadcast Tower, climb up the containers to reach the satellite dish. You will have to do a running jump to reach the last container.

When you reach the dish, change the channel to some Crimson Radio.
Sabotaging this Broadcast Tower will reward you with:
- 926 XP
- $62
- 10 Eridium
Meridian Metroplex Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
The Broadcast Tower in the Meridian Metroplex is located near the Dead Claptrap unit for this area.

To quickly reach the Broadcast Tower from the Meridian Metroplex Fast Travel station, head north and then take the follow the left-hand road until you reach a courtyard blocked by a series of Maliwan barricade.

Head beyond these barricades and take care of the Maliwan forces that lie in wait for you.
Once they're dead, head up the stairs to the upper level of this courtyard. Go along the upper level until you're opposite the Dynasty Diner.

At this end of the upper level, you'll find a box for you to climb up on. When you're on top of this box, you'll be able to do a running jump across to the balcony where the satellite dish stands.

When you reach the balcony, you can sabotage the COV broadcast.
Changing the channel of this Broadcast Tower will reward you with:
- 926 XP
- $62
- 10 Eridium
Athenas Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
The Broadcast Tower on Athenas is located in the first courtyard of the Anchorhold, which is also where you can find the Typhon Dead Drop for this planet.

Kill the Maliwan forces holding the courtyard, so that you can climb in peace.
First, climb on top of the small building with the speaker on its roof. From there you can jump across the gap and climb up the boxes to reach the roof of the opposite building.

Use the next Maliwan box to reach the other side of the roof, from here head right and climb up onto the next railing.

To your right, you'll find a small curved roof. Climb onto this and then grab onto the next roof to your left.
You'll then be able to climb onto the roof above you and up a pile of boxes. From these boxes, you can climb onto the highest roof of this building.
Next, do a running jump to the building opposite and climb up the ladder. Go forward to the opposite end of this small bell tour and look at the outside wall to find a ladder that will take you to the roof.
Up here you'll finally find the satellite dish for you to sabotage.

After sabotaging the Broadcast Tower, you'll receive:
- 926 XP
- $62
- 10 Eridium
Borderlands 3 has arrived! Check out our skill tree guides for Amara, Fl4k, Moze and Zane.
If you're looking for more challenges to complete, check out our guides on the Dead Claptraps, Broadcast Towers, Eridian Writing,Hijack Targets, Legendary Hunts and Typhon Logs and Typhon Dead Drops. If you want some easy rewards, consult our Borderlands 3 Shift Codes and VIP Codes page.
When you've finished Borderlands 3, visit our guides on Guardian Rank and Rewards, Mayhem Mode and True Vault Hunter mode to learn more about what you unlock in the post-game.
Atlas HQ Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
To find the Broadcast Tower hidden away in Atlas HQ, head to the courtyard where you fought off the Maliwan forces using turret during the chapter Atlas, At Last.

Once you're there, head to the far-left hand corner on the lower floor of the courtyard. You'll know where you're getting close because you'll be able to hear the COV radio broadcasts.

Jump over the railing down onto the platform below and then down onto the small area below.

Now you can easily take over the airwaves with Crimson Radio once again by sabotaging the satellite dish.
For bringing Crimson Radio to Atlas HQ, you'll be rewarded with:
- 2,566 XP
- $153
- 10 Eriduim
Lectra City Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
The broadcast tower in Lectra City can be found near the Dockyard. To reach this area follow the road around to the left when you enter Lectra City.

The tower is atop the building right next to the entrance of the Dockyard.

To get to the top of this building climb the container opposite it to reach the nearby walkway.

From there you can climb on top of a lamppost and jump across to the roof of the building.

All that's left to do is sabotaging the radio tower.
For sabotaging this tower, you'll receive:
- 3,087 XP
- $192
- 10 Eridium
Floodmoor Basin Broadcast Tower locations in Borderlands 3
There are two broadcast towers for you to subrogate in the Floodmoor Basin of Eden-6.
The first can be found in the middle of the eastern plain of the Floodmoor Basin.

To quickly reach it, fast travel to the Floodmoor Basin - Drop Pod Fast Travel station and then head right, down the hill, into the plain.
The broadcast tower sits on one of the supports for the log carrying machine in Floodmoor Basin.

To reach the top climb on top of the small shack and then climb on top of the generator you find up there.

This will allow you to reach the upper level and the broadcast tower.
For reprogramming this tower, you'll receive:
- 3,087 XP
- $192
- 10 Eridium
The second is located in the Timbermills.

If you go through to the main area of the Timbermills, you'll find a tower by the edge of the cliff.

You can reach the top of this tower by climbing on top of the container with a splash of paint on it.
Next, climb on top of the container to you right and, from there, scale the small box next to you.

Now you have to jump across to the tower of the speaker tower.

From there, you're able to jump across to a green container and then the yellow container, which will finally bring you to the top of the tower.

For stealing the airways, you'll receive:
- 4,255 XP
- $303
- 10 Eridium
The Anvil Broadcast Tower locations in Borderlands 3
In The Anvil there are two more broadcast towers for you to sabotage.
The first is located on the top of the large pile of containers in the courtyard in the middle of The Anvil.

Begin your climb by climbing the lowest container with a splash of paint on it.

After that immediately turn right and climb up the two containers you see.

Next, jump across to the green container opposite you and, from there, you can jump up to catch a hold of the metal plate hanging off the upper containers.

Now all you have to do is climb up the last container to reach the broadcast tower.
For overtaking the tower you'll receive:
- 5,944 XP
- $534
- 10 Eridium
The second broadcast tower can be found right before where you fight the Warden.

To reach the top of this tower, climb the block nearby and jump across to the small piece of metal sitting on top of the pipes opposite.

From there, you'll be able to climb up onto the pipe and follow it around the edge of the building. This will take you to small platform for you to climb.

Climb on top of the next pipe, which you can then use to climb on top of the metal sticking out of the tower.

This will take you to the top of the tower.
For this broadcast tower, you'll receive:
- 3,650 XP
- $242
- 10 Eridium
Jakobs Estate Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
The Broadcast Tower is located just to your left when you enter the swampland at the foot of the Jakobs Manor.

Head to the house directly on your left when you go down the first set of stairs in this area.

Go around the side of the building till you find a small pile of boxes. Use these to climb up onto the roof.

Next walk onto the left section of the roof and climb the ladder to reach the broadcast tower.
For sabotaging this tower, you'll be rewarded with:
- 3,947 XP
- $271
- 10 Eridium
Ambermire Broadcast Tower locations in Borderlands 3
There are two broadcast towers for you to sabotage in Ambermire.
The first broadcast tower can be found in the bandit camp nearest to Rogue's Hollow.

The tower is connected to the large red building on the outskirts of camp.

Head up the stairs leading to this building and then run along its front, until you reach a grassy area. Here you'll be able to jump across to the nearby pipe.

Walk along this pipe until you're opposite the broadcast tower and then jump across to it.

For stealing this broadcast tower, you'll be rewarded with:
- 5,238 XP
- $426
- 10 Eridium
The second broadcast tower can be in the bandit camp directly opposite Rogue's Hollow down in the swampland.

Within this camp you'll find a large rig and, on this, you'll find the broadcast tower.

To reach the broadcast tower, go beneath this rig and climb up the stairs at the back. There you'll find a container that you can climb onto and then jump across to the overhanging ladder.

Follow this new walkway around, crouching down when needed, and then jump across to the next ladder.

At the end of this new walkway, you can use the nearby pipe to reach the balcony above you and the broadcast tower.

You'll be rewarded you taking this tower with:
- 4,900 XP
- $380
- 10 Eridium
Devil's Razor Broadcast Tower locations in Borderlands 3
There are two broadcast towers for you to find Devil's Razor.
The first is in the bandit camp just east of where you can start the side mission, Boom Boom Boomtown.

Go through the building in this gap and look over the railings behind it.

The broadcast tower is beneath you, so jump down and take it over.

For this broadcast tower, you'll be rewarded with:
- 7,076 XP
- $751
- 10 Eridium
The second broadcast tower can be found in the Dahl Refinery.

To easily reach this broadcast tower, climb the hill next to the Catch-A-Ride, which is close to where you can start Boom Boom Boomtown.
At the top of this hill, by some Skag dens, you'll be able to climb up onto the next hill.

Now go forward, crouching beneath the pipe, and follow the building around to the right.
Around this corner, you'll find a staircase.

Go all the way to the top of the staircase and then you can jump down onto the platform where the broadcast tower is standing.

For this tuning this tower to Crimson Radio, you'll receive:
- 5,944 XP
- $534
- 10 Eridium
The Splinterlands Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
The broadcast tower in The Splinterlands is located in the bandit camp closest to the entrance to Devil's Razor.

To reach this camp fast travel to the Devil's Razor - Pitt;s Stop Fast Travel station and travel north, until you reach the camp.

The broadcast tower is located near the edge of the cliff in this area as part of the large collection of containers.

Climb up the two yellow containers and then jump across to the platform in front of you to find the broadcast tower.

Your reward for bringing Crimson Radio to this tower is:
- 4,900 XP
- $380
- 10 Eridium
Carnivora Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
To find the broadcast tower in Carnivora head through the festival grounds, until you reach the main plain of the area.

Once you're there head right, staying close to the walls, until you see an open container for you to climb up into.

At the end of this container, you'll find the broadcast tower.
For capturing this broadcast tower, you'll receive:
- 5,238 XP
- $426
- 10 Eridium
Konrad's Hold Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
The broadcast tower for Konrad's Hold can be found in the gully that reached by crossing the bridge leading to the second level of the hold.

Don't, however, jump down into the gully. Instead, walk to the end of the railway track and then jump across to the track with the broadcast tower standing on it.

For tuning into Crimson Radio, you'll be rewarded with:
- 6,689 XP
- $671
- 10 Eridium
Cathedral of the Twin Gods Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
The Broadcast Tower for the Cathedral of the Twin Gods is located behind the third Catch-A-Ride station you pass in this area.

When you reach this area climb up onto the grey container with a pile of metal attached to it.

Go to the end of this metal and jump up to reach the floor above you, with a ladder leading to the next one.
On this floor you'll find a pile of metal, which you can jump from to reach a series of platforms.

At the end of these platform is a narrow pipe you can also climb. First, jump on to the horizontal part of the pipe, then climb on top of the top and, from there, you'll be able to jump across onto the platform holding the broadcast tower.

Your reward for tuning this tower to Crimson Radio is:
- 5,944 XP
- $534
- 10 Eridium
Desolation's Edge Broadcast Tower locations in Borderlands 3
There are two broadcast towers to be found in Desolation's Edge.
The first can be found to the west of the pathway leading to Typhon's camp.

The tower is on top of the Maliwan building.

To begin your climb, head around to the back of the building and climb up onto the building.

Next, head up the stairs and climb up onto the box at the top. Standing on top of this box will allow you to jump across to the container opposite.
You can use the Maliwan boxes on this roof to reach the top of the building and finally turn off COV radio.

For sabotaging this tower, you'll receive:
- 6,312 XP
- $599
- 10 Eridium
The second can be found in the right-section of the Maliwan camp - the same area as one of the Hijack Targets.

Before you consider reaching the broadcast tower, it's a good idea to kill all the Maliwan forces in this area. This will make your climb a lot easier.
When you're ready, climb the Maliwan boxes opposite the building with the broadcast tower on it.

This will put you on the wall surrounding this area. From here you can jump across onto the Maliwan container, which you can use to jump onto the stairs.

Go up these stairs to find the broadcast tower.
Your reward for shutting this tower down is:
- 7,473 XP
- $841
- 10 Eridium
Tazendeer Ruins Broadcast Tower location in Borderlands 3
The last broadcast tower can be found in the right-hand section of the Maliwan camp in the Tazendeer Ruins.

To reach this area, go to the main base of the Maliwan forces and then go through the side entrance to the right-hand section of the camp - by-passing the security field.

Now make your way across this walkway avoiding the holes in the floor.
When you reach this area, you'll discover that the broadcast tower is behind a shield. You can, however, get around it.
Head to the left-hand side of the building and drop down into the rubble.

Follow this pathway along and jump over onto the next platform when you reach the gap.

Once you're on there, turn around and jump across to reach the next platform, bringing you into the Maliwan building.

In here you can use the container to climb up to the next floor.

Finally, all you have to do is climb up the last couple of container to reach the last broadcast tower.

The reward for the final broadcast tower is:
- 7,076 XP
- $751
- 10 Eridium
Borderlands 3 Cathedral of the Twin Gods Crimson Radio
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